6 Ways to Improve the Readability of Your Squarespace Website

Making your text easy to read is super important. Even if you've got a fantastic blog post or killer sales copy, it won't do much if people find it hard to read. The easier it is for your website users to go through your content, the more likely they are to actually read it. 

Here are a few ways to boost your website's readability:

  1. Font Size

Using a font size of at least 14px-16px is crucial. I also recommend taking into account your site’s demographic. I recently designed a website for a nonprofit organization in my hometown of Santa Barbara, where the organization’s demographic was 55+. So, my average font size for this website was 16px - 18px, because if the user is struggling to read your website copy, chances are they will move on.

Here’s a helpful link to the Squarespace tutorial on how to update

your website’s font size. 

2. Embrace Contrast

Making sure there's a good balance of contrast is key for easy-to-read content. Contrast, in this context, is all about how different things look visually right next to each other. If the elements are too similar, the contrast is low, and that's not great for readability. On the flip side, if they're super different, that's high contrast

Now, getting friendly with contrast can really up your website's content game. You want to see a clear difference between the text and the background it sits on. Go for the bold move with strong contrast – use a dark color for the text and a light one for the background. Think black text on a white background for that winning combo that really pops!

3. Bullet Points Your Best Friend

Use bullet points whenever and wherever you can! Bullet points are an

excellent way to deliver your content efficiently and effectively. Use them as often as you can!

4. Use 24px as your Line Height Sweet Spot

Making the distance between your lines of text 24px is optimal for leaving enough distance between lines so it’s easy to read, but not too much distance so it’s hard to follow. 

Here’s a link to Squarespace’s tutorial for editing line height. 

5. Keep your sentences short and sweet.

When it comes to making your content a breeze to read, opting for shorter sentences is the way to go. Short and sweet has its perks – it not only boosts readability but also helps cut down on overthinking.

Short sentences work like a charm, letting readers gobble up information in a jiffy. Sure, there might be some sentences that need a bit more length, but in general, keeping it short and snappy across your website is a surefire way to enhance readability.

6. A picture tells a 1,000 words and makes them easier to read!

Break up your text with images whenever possible. Whether you’re using static images, lively animations, or engaging videos, these visual elements don't just amp up the look of your content – they take its readability to a whole new level.

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5 Tips for Creating a User-Friendly Squarespace Website


Here's a step-by-step guide to on how to create a Squarespace website for your small business: